Sunday 26 August 2012


Happy employees are more productive, creative ,time-conscious, and better team players. Any good  entrepreneur has to make sure his employees are happy and satisfied if he or she is to reap big! "How do these successful entrepreneurs make their employees happy?" might be the question on your mind right now.
Well i got some of these tips from other sources so you could use them;

Recognize progress;  this is one of the most valuable trait any good entrepreneur should possess so as to keep his employees happy. When you notice achievement please compliment and praise them, they'll feel appreciated. Once in a while everyone wants to feel important and appreciated therefore credit them when necessary, highlight milestones that people hit and challenges they have overcome, this will keep them happy!

Employees will get more engaged at work if you take interest in who they really are,that is to say care about them and get to know them individually this will build a friendship and more to that cooperation that will lead to the success of the company.

Stop calculating all the time; Don't make your employees feel like they have a debt to clear for the good things you've done for them, sometimes just do something good for them without expecting,this will show them that you truly mind them and they'll definitely step up in their services.

Dont wait for holiday to engage in exciting company activities,plan something exciting like getaways ,camping ,picnics, surprise birthdays,this will surely keep them on their toes and their minds will  get set tomake more achievements.

Make work fun: we all see the point in your employees taking work more seriously but the earlier you loosen them up,the better.Companies were people can joke around occasionally with each other have stronger bonds according to Joshua Murry.That is to say when mistakes are made ,people can see the funny side and not focus solely on the disappointing side,it will even provide more moments of connection.

Get rid of project leaders; let your employees work  together as a team on the same level. They'll all feel responsible and recognized while they partake the project. They'll even devote more of their energy to the project since they feel individually responsible.

Make your ideas theirs; let your employees  contribute their ideas however much they might not apply to you,give them the freedom to speak their mind. Instead of ordering or commanding make it feel like you were suggesting. For example; let the "you must do this!" turn into "what if you did it this way" . Bottom line is your the boss,your word does matter and so does the way you communicate!

Make the working area more comfortable and inviting ; your employees will spend the bulk of their waking hours at their desk,so why not make it more inviting and comfortable for them. invest in comfortable furniture,paint warm soothing colors and fully stock their offices with equipment   . These little touches really add up ,visiting clients will notice them too.

Flexibility makes every one's breathe easier; Make it possible for employees to access their work on any computer any where ,this will increase on the service they offer , also giving them a work at home option sometimes would be a better idea . it brings more relief to them most times when they cant balance duty and family at the same time.

Let your employees disengage at times ; sometimes for them to work better and produce larger ,employees shouldn't feel like your poking them at the back.  this would make them feel harassed and stressed ,sometimes they need to hear you encourage them to connect with family and other personal priorities.