Friday 7 September 2012


“Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records”. - William A. Ward
Entrepreneurs have to oppose all odds to establish, run and diversify their businesses. They take gigantic risks and face new challenges daily. Growth, expansion, and innovation is a way of life for them.
They create value, generate massive amounts of wealth, bring about technological outbursts, and give employment to a large number of people.
The great success stories and secrets of entrepreneurs are a source of motivation and inspiration for individuals who want to by starting up something of their own. Today we will  look at Carlos Slim. 
Born on January 20 1940 ,Carlos is of Lebanese origin and like his fellow Lebanese people, he believes in living a simple family life as against much publicized life of American Business Tycoons. He is a family man and had a successful married life with Soumaya Domit, in whose name he also founded an Art museum called "Museu Soumaya". With increasing age he has given more and more business responsibilities to his 3 sons and 3 sons in laws.

He is a Mexican business rock, philanthropist, the wealthiest person in the world as per 9 July 2011 in Forbes Magazine, and is the richest person in the world for the second time consecutively.He became a billionaire after the economic crash of 1982 when he purchased investments at very low prices that would later be extremely valuable. In 2000, he came up with the Foundation for the Historic Centre of Mexico City to restore and save significant buildings. He is worth US$63.3 billion as the chairman and chief executive of telecommunications companies Telmex and América Móvil, and he has huge holdings in other Mexican companies through Grupo Carso SAB and in business interests elsewhere in the world. Slim already owns 6.9 % of the company that publishes the New York Times. In 2009, he lent the company an additional $250 million to help it "keep business".And according to The Wall Street Journal, the average Mexican can't help but have dealings with a Slim-owned business. Slim's interests lie in  a variety businesses ranging from cigarettes, bicycles and soft-drinks to airlines, hotels, railways, banking, telecommunications, mining and construction. He  also has 32.9 million class D shares of YPF, an Argentine energy company according to a Bloomberg report.
 Carlos Slim Helu, is also an early 20th century style American capitalist who still believes in monopoly, old factory system and economies of scale more than  technology. This business mogul is compared to the likes of Rockefeller, Carnegie, Stanford and J P Morgan etc and is often called Robber Baron of 21st century. He is first person from a developing country to have topped the "Forbes" list.
 He is a multi billionaire with a difference; his old life style is illustrated not only in his business sense but also in his personal life style. With his wealth that is estimated at $74 billion, this wealthiest person in the world is a man of taste and class. Carlos Slim Helu has carving for classical painting and sculpture by great artists like Rodin, Renoir, Da Vinci and Micheal Angelo. Despite being a multi billionaire, this 71 years old man lives in a modest six-bedroom house, a mile away from his office. He doesn't believe in conspicuous consumption and has no interest in flashy super yachts or palatial houses allover the world.
. He is fan of Baseball club "New York Yankees", but unlike Russian Oligarchs he is happy being a fan only and doesn't want to buy it.Carlos doesn't even own a fleet of cars and still loves to drive by himself.
Source; CNN Money, Wall Street Journal, New York Times


  1. This is a perfect example that you money doesn't necessarily change you. It gives you the opportunity to buy and own more things but it doesn't mean you should forget your roots or flash your wealth around like you own the planet yet in most cases the flashiest of people don't really have that much

  2. Amazing article..people need to learn from this..

  3. great article, good man. He does need to spend on charity however. I dont like that his net worth just keeps on increasing.

  4. Moreand more people need to read about this! Real eye opener...

  5. Nice job ma dear.. Very nice article
